Monday, 9 May 2011

House Rules #1

Many moms say that the bathroom is the only place they can get any privacy, or any peace. I can't say that I used the bathroom as my refuge from the world/family when my kids were little, but I have had strict rules about bothering me in the bathroom. Even if I had a screaming newborn or crying toddler, when I was in the bathroom - too bad for you. I never let my kids in the bathroom when I was in there, and I never let them talk to me through the door while I was in there. I still don't.

Besides, who wants to have a conversation with someone while they're having gross bodily functions? Sick. So the rule stands. If mom is in the bathroom, don't talk to me, don't stand at the door, don't even push notes under the door. I won't respond. It's my time.

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