Wednesday 6 April 2011

It Was a Gumboot Kind of Day

It was pouring rain this morning, so I threw on my trusty gumboots and dashed out the door to work. Traffic woes didn't give me time to change my footwear before my first meeting of the day, so I attended in dresspants and wellies. Unfortunately, I discovered afterward that I hadn't brought appropriate footwear at all, and the koi became part of my fashion statement for the day. But I got compliments galore, and even after the rain stopped and the sun came out, I was rockin the gumboots like it ain't no thing.

Thank you, Chooka!

Update: Okay, so this post got me thinking about my boots and I went to the website. And O.M.G. These are my next pair:


  1. Hahahahahaha! I was totally going to post about my Little Apples today! File that as a draft. lol

  2. Love it! I'll look for it.
